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World Youth Day: Lisbon, Portugal
Diocese o
f St. Petersburg

July 28 - August 8, 2023


World Youth Day 2023

Lisbon, Portugal

World Youth Day (WYD) is the gathering of young people from all over the world with the Pope.

It is also a pilgrimage, a celebration of youth, an expression of the universal Church and an intense moment of evangelization for the youth world.


WYD opens its doors to everyone, no matter how close to or distant from the Church they are. 

Meet the Patron Saints of WYD 2023


Join 2 Million Young Catholics

Every 3 years, the Holy Father calls young Catholics from around the world to gather. In 2023, we are called to beautiful Lisbon, Portugal to encounter the Lord. Connect with others from around our diocese, and experience the universality of the Church in a whole new way!


Gather with the Pope

The Holy Father will join us for five days of our pilgrimage to Portugal. World Youth Day will connect you to the Apostolic roots of our faith by learning from and praying with Peter's successor for an entire week!


Journey to Fatima and Lisbon

Allow Our Lady of Fatima to speak to you as she once did the three children saints of Fatima. Is God calling you to Portugal in 2023 to experience the World Youth Day? 

Learn more about our international pilgrimage options.


Join our Local Pilgrimage

For some, God is not calling us to Lisbon. However, we are all called to arise and go with haste towards God's Love and Mercy. You, too, are invited on a pilgrimage seeking God, just from the Tampa Bay area. Local fundraising opportunities are available.

Learn more about our local pilgrimage options.

Contact Us

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This ministry is supported through the Diocese of St. Petersburg and donations to the Catholic Ministry Appeal.

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